The Number 3 and the Human Body
Author: Kalliope Altintasioti
Translated by: Sophia Kioridou
The number three constitutes a number of particular significance since it has occupied humans not only from a mathematical aspect, but also with their effort to connect with their divine origin. An effort which has lasted for centuries, and has also spanned to our present days.
The regular appearance of the number 3 as a structural element in the fields of science and its use for the development of mathematical ideas, underpinned its sacredness in the eyes of the human, who seeked, seeks and will continue to seek their connection with the divine.
From the triadic structure of the atom (protons, neutrons, electrons), the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) to the three dimensions of space (length, width, height), and from the three stages of a pregnancy (three trimesters) to the triune nature of time (past, present, future), the appearance of this number penetrates every aspect of human nature, and generally our cosmos, becoming the pillar of our very existence and environment. Hence, the human decided very early on through their journeys in history to discover the secrets of the number 3, and they themselves to record a route which has a beginning, a middle and an end, which essentially highlights the three milestones of their earthly hypostasis: birth, life, death.
Going back in time we meet Pythagoras, who proved and projected the significance of the number 3 through the world of mathematics. The Pythagorean Triples, and in particular, the Pythagorean theorem, will form a landmark in the field of geometry, and together with trigonometry the secrets of this specific number will be revealed, always demonstrating its significance.
Its application in architecture presents a structural and aesthetic interest, as is apparent in the geodesic domes. The image below presents the Biosphere, a museum in Montreal, Canada, dedicated to the environment.

The building of the museum in question is constructed as a geodesic dome bearing triangular structures, which render it a sturdy structure. This is due to the fact that these triangular, structural elements which synthesise the dome, distribute the stress and load of the construction evenly, making it resistant to natural disasters. Moreover, the geodesic domes are distinguished for their high energy efficiency.
From all the aforementioned, the force of the number three is proved, which fortifies the strength of materials, at the same time protecting them, thus making it a number of structural strength – in other words, a number which plays an important structural role in every type of construction.
Essentially, it constitutes a number which provides support and coherence in a creation by consolidating its functional characteristics, in this way proving the wholeness of its unit as well as its uniqueness.
Therefore, if we were to continue our journey within the world of architecture with the number 3 as a guide, we will see its multiple manifestations within the physiology of the human body. There, the number 3 structures, synthesises, supports and protects the wholeness of the human body, securing its wellbeing as a unit unified and created by cells, tissues, organs as well as the systems of organs.
The human body is an intricate and multi-dimensional mechanism consisting of varied types of cells which unite to create tissues, which in turn, connect in order to form organs. The organs again compose the systems (e.g. the digestive system), which function harmoniously to maintain the homeostasis of the wholeness of our bodies.
This link (cells – tissues – organs – organ systems – body), essentially consists of approximately 30 trillion cells (3.0·1013).
Bearing the above number in mind, during the procedure of the study of our anatomy and physiology, we will ascertain that what clothes our human body with arithmetical interest, is the number three.
First and foremost are the three anatomical body planes: transverse, frontal and sagittal.

Three are the layers of the skin: the epidermis, the dermis, the subcutaneous tissue.

There are three main types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Regarding the heart, its wall consists of three layers: the endocardium, the myocardium and the epicardium. Needless to say, three of the four heart valves, (which are responsible for the moderate flow of the blood), have three leaflets (cusps). In the image which follows, the aortic valve is depicted with its three leaflets which open and close. Via the aorta (the largest blood vessel and the major artery of our body) blood rich in oxygen is delivered to the entire body.

Three are the types of blood vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries, which in turn, are structured triadically.
Three are the types of arteries: the elastic, the muscular and the arterioles. The arteries are responsible for the transportation of oxygen-rich blood, nutrients and hormones in our bodies.
Continuing with the veins, we will ascertain that they are also separated into three categories: deep veins, superficial veins, perforating veins.
The third type of blood vessel are the capillaries, which are also separated into three types: continuous, fenestrated and discontinuous.
At this point, we should highlight that the blood vessels consist of three layers: tunica adventitia (the outermost layer), tunica media (the middle layer) and tunica intima (the innermost layer), in this way contributing to the structure as well as the transportation of blood.
Here we must mention that the total length of these three types of blood vessels in the human body, amounts to 60,000 miles.

The structural and protective force of the number three does not end here. It continues to the nervous system, which constitutes an intricate network of nerves, and not only. One triunity composes the particular system: brain – spinal cord – nerves. In addition, the existence of three membrane layers (meninges: the dura mater, arachnoid mater and pia mater) as much in the brain as in the spinal cord, it covers and protects these two significant parts of the central nervous system.
Nonetheless, by observing the neurons, in other words, the cells which send messages and information to each other (and by extension to the entire body) via electrical and chemical signals, we discern their triadic structure. The cells in question, consist of a cell body, dendrites and the axon (nerve fibre). Depending on their function, they are distinguished into 1) sensory neurons 2) motor neurons and 3) interneurons. Here, we must stress the connection of the neurons amongst them, which is achieved with the synapses. A synapse (the area where the connection in question occurs) is distinguished in three parts: the presynaptic terminal, the postsynaptic terminal and the space between these two structures which is called the synaptic cleft.
If we continue our exploration of the number three within our body, we will also encounter it in our bones since they consist of three layers:
1. Periosteum (the tough membrane which covers and protects the surface of a bone)
2. Compact bone (contains structural support and protection)
3. Cancellous (spongy) bone (the inner porous layer which stores the marrow)

As a matter of fact, by analysing the structure of a long bone, we discern its three parts: Diaphysis, Metaphysis, Epiphysis

Three are the types of muscle: smooth, skeletal, cardiac. And at this precise moment we must demonstrate the geometrical greatness of the number 3 since it provides foundational support and strength to our very muscles.
Initially, by microscopically observing the structure of a muscle, we discover the sarcomere, as shown in the image which follows:

The sarcomere constitutes the functional unit of the skeletal muscles. With the term functional unit, we mean the smallest part of an organ, which carries out all the functions of the specific organ. Hence, in reference to the hierarchical structure of a skeletal muscle, the sarcomere constitutes the smallest part of the muscle fibre which can contract.
In the following image, the structure of a sarcomere is presented:

The image shows the arrangement of the bands and lines as well as the filaments which compose the sarcomere. Here, it is important to point out the categories of the filaments – the thin, the thick and the elastic. The thick ones are structured by the protein myosin. The thin ones by three proteins: actin, troponin and tropomyosin, with the actin being that which constitutes the major structural component of the thin filament. The third category is composed of the protein titin, which functions as a spring, playing a major role in muscle elasticity.
Nevertheless, if we perform a cross-section on a sarcomere, we will notice its geometrical structure, which reminds us of a geodesic dome.

Triangular structures compose a sarcomere, rendering it a functional unit of skeletal muscle so that it performs significant functions for our body, such as: chewing, ingestion, maintaining the posture of the body, movement of the body, the protection of joints, etc.
The triadic composition of our bodily organs, however, does not stop here. The number 3 participates in the synthesis of many parts of the physical human body, preserving it as a temple, bearing all the truths of the Nous (Mind).
A Nous which created the stars. And the stars, in turn, fused three helium nuclei (alpha particles). This procedure is called the triple-alpha process, creating the carbon-12. And this carbon-12 with its triunity (6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons) constitutes the critical gateway for the birth of life.
In the same way carbon-12 associates with the number 3, so does water with its triadic structure (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom), and it is what constitutes the foundation of life on our planet. Both (water and carbon-12) are abundant, just like the triads which structure our existence so that the human securely navigates within the triune flow of time. By preserving the remembrances of the past, the human creates in the present, aiming for the future.
Everything is three. A triadic wholeness unit with Sirius, the womb of our universe Artemis, being the foundational, triadic commencement.

Greek References:
- Aitheriki Graphi:
English References:
- Arizona State University: Arizona State University | Arizona State University (
- Britannica:
- Cleveland Clinic: Cleveland Clinic: Every Life Deserves World Class Care
- Espace pour la vie – Montréal:
- Iowa State University: News Service • Iowa State University (
- Libre Texts – Medicine: Home – Medicine LibreTexts
- Michigan State University: Michigan State University (
- National Cancer Institute:
- National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases:
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:
- National Library of Medicine – National Center for Biotechnology Information: National Center for Biotechnology Information (
- Oregon State University:
- Nature:
- Research Gate: ResearchGate | Find and share research
- Shutterstock:
- SkinKraft: SkinKraft – India’s First Customized Skin & Hair Care Regimen
- Springer Nature Link:
- The Histology Guide: Home: The Histology Guide (
- The Royal Society: Journals | Royal Society
- ThoughtCo.:
- Very Well Health:
Where is the North:
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