13 – A jinxed Number or Something Deeper?
By Dimos Dimaresis
Translated by: Sophia Kioridou
Nowadays, the number 13 is affiliated with “bad luck” and negative events, while whichever Friday coincides with the 13th day of the month, is considered unlucky in the Anglo-Saxon, French, German and Portuguese regions of our planet.
Similar superstitions also exist in other traditions in Greece and Spain, namely, “Tuesday the 13th”. Before the 19th century, the number 13 was considered to be the bearer of bad luck. The same applies to Friday, though there was no connection between the two days. The first reference to “Friday the 13th” was made at the beginning of the 19th century.
Examples where the number 13 signals a “red flag”

In an elevator of a skyscraper in a video game (GTA V), shown in the video below, there is no 13th floor.
In aeroplane seat numbers of passenger airlines there is no seat number 13. From seat number 12, it goes to number 14.

The “unlucky 13”
On the 13th October, 1307 the Knights Templar were arrested for heresy by order of Philip IV of France. Despite the fact that 13 was considered an “unlucky number”, Friday the 13th did not constitute a “black day”. The misconception that their arrest was related to the fear surrounding the day in question was constructed at the beginning of the 21st century, and became more widely known in the novel “The Da Vinci Code”.
The British submarine “HMS K13” sunk on the 29th January 1917 while sea trials were being carried out, whereby a hatch and some ventilators had remained open. Besides the fact that 48 survived and 32 lost their lives, the number 13 was never again used for the name of a vessel.
Apollo 13 was launched on the 11th April 1970 at 13:13, and an explosion occurred in the oxygen tanks on the 13th April.
On Friday the 13th October 1989 a mini-crash occurred in the stock market.
On vehicle licence plates in Ireland, the first two digits are the last two digits of the classification year. In collaboration with the Irish automobile industry, the government introduced a system where a registered vehicle in the year 2013 would bear a three-digit number so that it read “131” for the vehicles registered in the first 6 months of the year, and “132” for the ones registered in the second half.
The name and symbol “OMEGA” in television productions and products
On TV and the cinema, the Ω Omega is used for super characters – hyper entities who are not ruled by restrictions applicable to humans.
DARKSEID – DC extended universe. A dark god and tyrannical ruler of the planet Apokolips, who bears an upside-down symbol of Ω Omega on his chest.

BEYONDER – a Marvel comic character. A cosmic hyper entity as a role of a nigh-omnipotent, who at times attempts to destroy the multiverse, and others, assigns constructed characters (animated protagonists – from television series) quests to save it. He bears the Ω Omega on his chest.

KRATOS – a Sony virtual character based on Greek mythology is portrayed as the son of Zeus. In the video game “God of War” he avenges the death of Ares and takes his throne as the god of war. Later, he kills all the Olympians, receiving the title of “God Killer”. In the final video games, he is symbolised with the very Omega, which is interpreted as the symbol of war. He is depicted with a metal axe holder hanging on his back, which resembles the symbol Ω Omega as well as being presented with the symbol Ω in the mini-maps found in the sub menus.
OMEGA SHENRON – the most powerful dark dragon in the television series “Dragon Ball GT”, who bears the forces of the 7 dragons in the series.

The meaning for the symbol “Omega” in the Book of Revelation refers to Jesus as “the Alpha and Omega”, or the first and the last, symbolising the infinity of a god, which existed before everything else and will exists thereafter.
Omega watches – expensive wrist watches dating back to the 19th century, which are sold at a very high price till this very day.
What exactly does the number 13 mean?
At school we were taught about the 12 Gods of Olympus – the 12 hyper entities: Dias, Artemis, Poseidon, Demeter, Hermes, Hestia, Hephaistos, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Ares, Hera.
Never must we simulate, nor demote these hyper entities to the tangible plane and level we are found, which we often see occur in television and cinematic productions, ludicrous fairy tales and novels, where we stand tall with supposed pride that all this is displayed across the planet.
The Gods are falsely presented to us as humans with passions, desires and weaknesses, just like humans are today, who live within their oblivion, having severed all roots with their creation.
What is more, they have concealed the 13th, the God unknown to us till this day. It is Ellene – the very Omega – who is alone, unique and the most supreme. The almightiest of the almighty, the one hailed with respect from everyone as well as all the cosmoses of all the universes belonging to our creation.
Absolutely everything in creation revolves around and is supported by 13, the first uppermost Ellanian cosmic number within which all the other 12 are encompassed.
As human creations we are members constituting a smaller total of our Ellanian Creation, which is our society (koinonia, meaning: common nous/mind). By acting and functioning as one common nous, the wholeness “koinonia” (society) is healthy.
We live on the same planet, we breathe the same air, we drink the same water, we consume the same food, and we gaze at the same sun. Yet at the same time we “believe” and maintain the line of a political party, dogma and whatever else is abnormal, unnecessary and above all – outside our human physiology and ethos.
As humans are immersed in oblivion and individualism, they have forgotten and totally neglected their creation and origin, resulting in the eruption of apostasy. Thus, divided on an individual level through numerous techniques, such as dogmas, political parties, sports clubs – which cultivate fanatism and other techniques – we are totally indifferent to the welfare of our society by always prioritising our individual interest. When a society prospers, then each unit in turn prospers – the opposite does not apply.
If creation is one, and we all derive from the same source and womb, why is there dissension among us? What is the reason for the existence of thousands of dogmas, where each one presents its own deceitful and false interpretation of creation, fuelling people with fanatism and steering them towards an oblivious consciousness, causing the division of the social total?
The fact that history and the truth regarding the human has been concealed, has made them live in a contaminated, pseudo, virtual environment, where collectiveness has become a dead meaning. There is no justice, prosperity or security, but instead injustice in every manifestation of our life experience, with countless lies which we maintain. And even though we know they are wrong, we accept them because we live in a state of lethe, and lathos (error, forgetfulness, escaping detection) means exactly that – oblivion.
With countless distortions in universal and cosmic meanings as well as in the structure of our 9 Ellanian Creation originating from the Alphas and Omega, our apostasy has made us despise and avoid the number 13, namely – the very Omega – using a plethora of dirty tactics. 13, however, is omnipresent throughout creation and nothing can stand without it.
Every hyper ion sun Sirius has 12 ion suns, and each ion sun has 12 planets. Hence, 12 ion suns and 1 hyper ion gives us a total of 13.
13 galaxies are defined as a galaxy cluster, where the predominant galaxy bears another 12 – hence, a total of 13.
Within the galaxies there are billions of solar systems which abide by a specific structure. One fixed sun (which does not rotate), has 12 planets around it. All the complete solar systems in our Ellanian Creation are in harmony with the number 13.
In the womb of the hyper ion Sirius, all the creations are created upon the Ύ Upsilon nucleus, which has a dodecahedral base and one extra point – the 13th – where all the faces unite with the dodecahedron of Sirius.
All the created beings and creations bear 13 in their biological structure. The human nervous system has 12 central nerves in a homocentric alignment, which unite with the sole central 13th nerve, and it is through this nerve the 12 unite with the brain.
The actual number of months in a year is 13. 12 months have 27 days and 1 predominant month has 36 – the month was omitted from calendars worldwide since the number 13 has been opposed, used and presented in very deceptive ways.
Therefore, with 13 months, there are 13 lunar cycles, and females also experience 13 menstrual cycles. Entirely everything is constructed upon 13. Without this, creation cannot stand. And finally, a feature of the numbers on a clock face when we add a large number to its corresponding opposite smaller number, namely, 12 + 1, 11 + 2, 10 + 3, and so on, it will always give us 13.
With the examples and explanations presented, it is conceivable that 13 is the largest creational number. By comparing it with negative situations and dark entities, is anything but random since the purpose is to influence the human so that they despise their very creation, both subconsciously and consciously.
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