The Christmas Tale
By Dora Gioura
Translated by: Sophia Kioridou
Every year during these days, in whichever corner of Hellas (Greece) you may be, and not only, but most countries on our planet, Christmas celebrations take place with music and melodies in accord with the days.
Christmas trees decorated with balls and lights are seen everywhere, children singing carols from houses to shops in exchange for a small price, young and old exchanging gifts and wishes for a better year – and this repetition occurs each year without humans knowing what they are actually celebrating on this day. The actual event has been distorted, creating a lie feigning to be the truth – a tale for the young and old alike…

Naturally, all of us have matured enough, and it is easy to suspect who is responsible for the propagation of such pseudo news, which is none other than the dogmas and their priesthoods. In their effort to secure the preservation of their power and influence, religions strived for the control of these events, presenting a reality to suit their dogmas and interests. With the creation of a lie, which is supported by real elements, they tried not only to survive, but also consolidate their domination, at the same time securing the continuation of their devoted followers’ support…
What is the result? For thousands of years humans have become one with the lie, celebrating and preserving it with devotion owing to the lack of knowledge. Now, however, humanity has matured, and the time has come to learn about what is happening with Christmas, the decorated Christmas tree, the gifts and wishes…
If we observe our firmament, we will perceive the astronomical phenomenon visible to all, which occurs on the 25 December.
Firstly, we notice that the 3 stars in the constellation of Orion’s Belt, also known as the “Three Kings”, are already aligned.

In the extension of this alignment of the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt, the luminous star and Hyper-ion Sirius is found.
At sunrise on this day called “Christmas”, namely the 25 December, we notice the astronomical phenomenon in the firmament, whereby the 3 stars – the Kings of the constellation of Orion’s Belt – align with the Hyper-ion Sirius, and the extension of this alignment aims exactly at the horizon of our rising sun Apollo. The rising sun on the 25 December is the “reborn” sun, after stopping its movement for 3 nights at the lowest point of the horizon.

This astronomical phenomenon occurs after the winter solstice, which is the standstill of the sun, in other words, the sun’s tilt appears to stop in the most southern and furthest point of the hemisphere, known as the Southern Cross.
This phenomenon lasts for 3 nights and begins on the night of the 21December through to the 24 December. This is called “triesperon”, meaning 3 nights, which are also the longest nights of the year and have the same duration.
On the 25 December the sun again begins to ascend, namely, it is reborn and the days become longer, leading onto spring when the duration of day-night equalises again in March during the vernal equinox.
The complete alignment of the 3 stars of Orion with Sirius and our rising sun is known from ancient years as Heliougenna – the rebirth of the Light Giver – our sun, Apollo.
Back in the day, all the communities and civilisations honoured Heliougenna and the rebirth of our sun. The 25 December is the day our unique, immense Hero and ancestor, Achilles was born. The distortion and misinterpretation which occurred on this occasion by all the dogmas and religions on our planet, was for them to take the truth and construct the pseudo birth of “deities” such as, Jesus Christ, Krishna, Mithra, Buddha, Horus, and so on.
Really though, has anyone ever wondered when Christmas was established? The decision for the 25 December was made in 336 CE, and the reason was that they had to replace a significant celebration belonging to the Hellenes (Greeks) …
And so the tale of Christmas begins – the distortion and falsification of the truth. Heliougenna (the birth of the sun) was renamed Christmas in the countries where the Christian dogma dominated.
Hence, the 3 white “Kings” of Orion’s Belt became the 3 wise men, or Magi, who bore gifts.

Sirius, which is the most luminous star, became the star of Bethlehem, which guided the Magi to the newborn king, Jesus, that is to say, the rebirth of our sun. The manger or crib, symbolises our Gaia.
Apollo’s chariot became a sledge, and the horses which lead his chariot became reindeer with antlers. Apollo on the chariot became the Statue of Liberty, and Saint Basil. And although Santa Claus, namely, Saint Nicholas, is used as a name abroad, here in Hellas they called him Saint Basil, who brings gifts to children. Incidentally, Santa Claus was created by Coca-Cola in 1936.

The predecessor of the Christmas tree was not the fir or cypress tree in ancient Hellas, but instead an olive tree branch, known as kotinos or olive wreath, which was not decorated with balls and lights. The decorations it did have, symbolised the gifts of life, which are none other than the fruit of the olive, which is the continuous bios and incarnation of humans.

The olive is an immense code which symbolises code procedures of our creation. Not having any inspiration to create something of their own, the apostates broke this immense code, misinterpreted it, and turned it into a decorated fir with balls and lights during the period of “Christmas”, which in essence is a time symbolising the rebirth and fertilisation of nature from the light of our life-giving sun, Apollo.
The tradition of decorating the olive, known as Iresione, was abolished during the Byzantine Empire since it was considered to be idolatrous. Despite its ban during the dominion of the Byzantine Empire, some Hellenes who moved to other countries, mainly towards the north, contributed to the preservation of this tradition, albeit with one difference. Due to the cold climate of the northern countries, the olive tree did not thrive, consequently they did not decorate the kotinos (olive wreath). The predominant tree was the fir, so they decorated a fir branch. With the passing of time, the tradition evolved, and the whole tree was mostly decorated.
Centuries later, the same tradition was reintroduced in Hellas by the Bavarians, who accompanied Otto to Hellas, as their own Christmas tradition. And just like that, the transition from the ancient Hellenic “Iresione of the olive” to the fir, transitioned to modern times, whereby during the era of King Otto in 1833, the fir was the Christmas tree in the palaces of Nafplio.
Every year during these days, humans exchange thousands of meaningless wishes without actually meaning anything of what they wish. Consequently, they are left with only a wish, without pursuing an aim so that what they want and wish is realised. In reality, they have ceased to carry out events. But what is an event (Dromenon), and why should we not make wishes, but instead carry out events? The event (Dromenon) is truth itself, and it happens with our noesis and thoughts. If you do not first create something in your mind, and subsequently in your space, whatever you have not thought of constructing or creating, then you will never realise it. Hence, the event is a choice, so whatever you think of doing must first and foremost be an event in your mind and then you will have to materialise it, and that is why it is the truth.
If humans today had a free Hellas on their minds, then Hellas would be free. If humans actually wanted a free planet and executed this event in their minds, then there would be no apostasy, because this would be the truth. When humans learn how to carry out events, then there would be no meaningless, repetitive wishes.
The apostates cannot destroy the truth, but only diligently conceal it for many years. To construct a lie based on the truth and project it as being true is a matrix – a virtual reality of our current era. All humans must see and acknowledge the truth – for that is how they will see the lie which they must devalue and discard far away. The truth is one and absolute, and that is – that the rebirth of our sun is on the 25 December, and subsequently the rebirth of our entire planet. Therefore, since we want to say that humanity has matured, the search for these deep truths and a response to these constitute a significant part of our personal and social development. In this framework, humans restore their memory to the truth of justness and they take a stance, acknowledging the essence of our human existence.
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