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If 1 ONE is missing or if you isolate or separate 1 ONE from the triad unit, there is no creation.

If 1 ONE is missing or if you isolate or separate 1 ONE from the triad unit, there is no creation. It collapses because if you do not have a universe where will you fix the galaxies? Who will create them if you do not have a universe and a universal womb such as SIRIUS, to create and give birth to IOTA galaxies – suns – solar systems – planets and all IOTA creations, exactly as they have been inscribed, designed and encoded by the Divine Design of Creation?

If you do not have a sun or a solar system, since the sun is that which preserves and gives energy to all IOTA creations, the planets and the whole environment of our nature, how do you imagine that all planets move in their own rotation, in the orbital rotations around their energy sun and in the orbits around their galaxies and the orbits around their total spherical universe? Who supplies energy to all this immense universal mechanism and all the creations? An inconceivable amount of hyper energy is needed so that our planet can move every minute, every hour, for thousands of years, billions of years, within a millimetre of a centimetre – everything is perfect*, absolute and with accuracy.

“All dogmatists and all those who have been deceived must think that the planet moves with slaves and coal or that the planet simply happened to be here spinning around. But also, that every ridiculous being and formation which they call their god, gives movement to our planet. These fiends, sewage waste even say that only this planet supports life and all of you are to kneel to your Kyrios.

How much horror all this createsfor an intellectual being! How much patience is necessary and how much desecration and insult can the Creator and your real Creators and all the forces of Creation receive from all their creations?”

Excerpt taken from the Sacred Ellanian Texts. DOWNLOAD FREE FROM HERE



ΠΗΓΗ  e5-esy.gr


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