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The largest sacred code arithmos of Creation


Everyone and absolutely everything confirms and validates both our true and absolute breakdown and analysis, but also that everything is 1 ONE, an absolute, unique and true unit ι – one body, one Nous* (Mind). It confirms and validates 13 THIRTEEN – the largest sacred code arithmos of Creation that originates from the ALPHAS and OMEGA. It confirms and validates the 13th Himself, OMEGA.

And this is because this analysis and map of the Cosmic Heliacal Oraloi belongs to the 13th since the circles are 13 in number, the intervals are 13 and the points of every interval of the Oraloi are 13 which are then summed up.

And naturally, the 169 points and the sacred code arithmoi are
essentially the sacred code result 13 x 13 = 169.

Evidently, everything affirms that 13 THIRTEEN, the 13th, is an absolute, true, autonomous and independent complete wholeness unit ι that created our divine Ellanian Creation originating from the ALPHAS and OMEGA.

All Ellene humans have to know that within these sacred code arithmoi that lie within the cosmic map of the Cosmic Heliacal Oraloi of the 13th, they will distinguish many final code arithmoi from all of my breakdowns and analyses and in all of the Sacred Ellanian Texts and Chapters that have been written and acknowledged in our Time and Space*.

When the Ellene humans compare and acknowledge the sacred codes that coexist within the entire body of the breakdown and analysis of our true, unique, divine and Nomoteleian Creation originating from the ALPHAS and OMEGA, they will find themselves a step closer to their self-knowledge, the truth of their existence and closer to their true, absolute creators and divine ancestors.

Excerpt taken from the Sacred Ellanian Texts. DOWNLOAD FREE FROM HERE


PAGES 45 – 46

ΠΗΓΗ  e5-esy.gr

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